The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has issued a notification for filling up 187 vacancies for the recruitment to Executive and Non-exceutive category posts and the detailed vacancy list is given below. Candidates will be offered appointment based on their scores obtained in written exam and personal interview. AS per the below schedule, Written Exam for various recruitment of DMRC 2015 will be conducted in the month of March/April 2015.
List of DMRC recruitment 2015 Posts Names with exam dates:
S.NO Name of the post Written Exam Date Admit card download date
1 Stenographer 01-March-2015 14-February-2015
2 Junior Engineer(Civil) 15-March-2015 28-February-2015
3 Junior Engineer(Electrical) 15-March-2015 28-February-2015
4 Junior Engineer(Signal and telecom) 15-March-2015 28-February-2015
5 Legal assistant 15-March-2015 28-February-2015
6 Assistant manager/IT 15-March-2015 28-February-2015
7 Assistant manager/Electrical 29-March-2015 14-March-2015
8 Assistant manager/S&T 29-March-2015 14-March-2015
9 Assistant manager/HR 12-April-2015 28-March-2015
10 Assistant manager/Operations 12-April-2015 28-March-2015
11 Assistant manager/Fire 12-April-2015 28-March-2015
12 Assistant company secretary 12-April-2015 28-March-2015
13 Assistant manager/corporate
communication 12-April-2015 28-March-2015
14 Assistant manager/programmer 12-April-2015 28-March-2015
15 Assistant Manager/Finance Yet to notify Yet to notify
Candidates have to appear for Junior engineer(Civil and Electrical) written exam on 15 March 2015. They must download the admit card on 28 February 2015 from the official portal of DMRC and they must carry the same before they enter the exam hall.
The DMRC Junior Engineer 2015 exam pattern comprised of two Papers and both the Papers will be of objective type MCQ’s. The Paper-I comprised of 120 questions from the topics of general awareness, Logical ability, quantitative aptitude and Knowledge of the discipline/trade. The Paper-II will have 60 questions from General English to judge the aspirants knowledge in English language.
How to download the admit card for DMRC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2015?
1. Log on to
2. Go to careers section
3. In the redirected page, go to advertisement number DMRC/OM/HR/II/2014
4. Select “Candidates Login”
5. Enter the registration number and date of birth
6. Click on Login and download the admit card for Junior engineer recruitment therby.
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