JIPMER BSc Entrance Exam 2015 Result jipmer.edu.in Merit Rank List for BSc Nursing/Allied Medical Sciences Admission 2019-16

By | July 11, 2019
Here you can check JIPMER BSc Entrance Exam 2015 Result jipmer.edu.in Merit Rank List for BSc Nursing/Allied Medical Sciences Admission 2019-16 Available Online. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry (JIPMER) conducted BSc Entrance Exam 2015 on 12th July 2015 for the admission of various courses like B.Sc Nursing, BASLP & B.Sc Allied Medical Science Programmes for the academic year 2019-16. Are you one who had applied for JIPMER BSc entrance exam from 6th april 2015 to 8th June 2015 & written Entrance exam on 12th July 2015? Do you want to check your JIPMER BSC Entrance exam Results & Do you also want to know when the JIPMER BSC Entrance Exam 2015 Result & Merit list will be published for the BSC Nursing Admission 2015?

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry (JIPMER) has successfully conducted the BSc Nursing entrance exam 2015 on 12th July 2015 & numerous candidates appeared for the entrance exam at various exam centers such as Ambala, Bhubanewar, Chennai, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, Mumbai, New Delhi, Puducherry, Ranchi, Sonipat, Trivandrum and Vijayawada from all over India.

To check JIPMER BSc Nursing/Allied Medical Sciences entrance exam Results published online on 17th July 2015,

Candidates must logon to http://jipmer.edu.in/ and find the BSc Entrance exam 2015 Results online. candidates can use their roll number or register number to check their score and merit list online. Selected Candidates will be called called for counseling process to be conducted from 21st July 2015 for various courses B.Sc Nursing, BASLP & B.Sc Allied Medical Science Programmes.

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