Large number of candidates have attended the written exam which was the first recruitment process conducted by the Tamilnadu Forest Uniformed Services Recruitment Committee. The date of written examination was on 22nd February 2015. The exam had two papers. One paper contained questions related with gk, aptitude, mental ability. data analysis, basic English, Tamil language, etc. The other paper contained questions related with the subject general Science. Paper 1 was conducted in the morning shift and paper 2 was conducted in the evening shift. The total time given for the exam was three hours for each paper. Only the shortlisted candidates can appear in Walking Test, Physical Standards verification an personality test. Personality test is the final selection test which will be one of the criteria to decide the candidates selection.
165 skillful and qualified candidates can avail the chance to fill the vacancies. Adequate knowledge of Tamil is the added advantage for the candidates who want to become one of the foresters. The written exam was conducted in different six centers. They are Salem, Madurai, Chennai, Coimbatore, Tirunelveli and Trichy. See the Results and Merit Selection List 2015 through the official link.
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