Download SBI PO Exam 2015 Syllabus, Sample Question & Paper Structure. Do you want to know the syllabus for the SBI PO exam 2015 and download the Sample Question paper? Large number of the aspirants prepare for the State Bank of India Probationary Officers exam to be held in 2015 for recruiting eligible qualified candidates and want to make self test to evaluate their strengthen and weaken areas in the topics. For this they want to download the Sample question papers and syllabus with Paper structure of SBI PO Exams 2015. With the help of syllabus and exam paper structure they concentrate their preparation only on the syllabus oriented topics for Probationary Officers. Every year the State Bank of India conducts various level exam to recruit different posts like Clerk, PO, RO, etc,. As these exams are high competitive exams, all the studenats who want to line their carrier with the SBI bank with the required qualification have preparing for this exam for long period of time.
The SBI PO Exam 2015 will have two papers Syllabus and download model question papers:
The SBI PO Exam 2015 will have two papers Syllabus and download model question papers:
Paper 1 will be the objective type whereas paper 2 is descriptive type. Paper 1 will have 200 questions which will be taken from following topics English Language, General Awareness, Marketing and Computers, Data Analysis and Interpretation and high level reasoning each 50 questions.
Paper 2 will have questions for 50 marks from English language and related with letter writing, paragraph writing, essay writing, precise writing and reading comprehension. Both the papers will be conducted on the same day one after one. The first paper is Computer Based Test whereas the second paper is Paper test.
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