Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Secretariat, Jaipur LDC Clerk Grade II Written Exam dated 16th and 17th October 2015 answer key is made available online at their official website www.rajassembly.nic.in. Raj Assembly had 30 positions vacancy for the LDC Clerk Grade-II and for that Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha Sachivalaya conducted the LDC Mock Exam 2015 on 16th and 17th October 2015.
There were total 100 number of questions with the exam duration of 2hours. Raj Assembly LDC Exam was based on Computer Typing. If you are the one who wrote the Raj Assembly LDC Mock Exma, you can download the answer key from their website and cross verify with your answers to know the marks before the results come.
Steps to download Raj Assembly LDC Mock Test Answer Key 2015
1. Go to www.rajassembly.nic.in
2. Search for Raj Assembly LDC (Clerk Grade-II) Answer Key 2015 and Click the link
3. In the next page click on download answer key 2015 pdf file
More informations at www.rajassembly.nic.in and http://rlarecruitment.raj.nic.in/RLA/frmRLAHome.aspx