Punjab JET 2015 Model Question Papers & Sample Test Answers with Syllabus Structure. Are you preparing for the Punjab JET exam 2015 and do model test with the help of Model Question Papers? Lots of students who want to join in an Engineering colleges in Punjab must get good scores in the Joint Entrance Test 2015 conducted by Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training for the admission 2019-16. So, all are who have the aim in the engineering stream finding the Model Question Papers for preparing the upcoming JET exam well in advance for getting admission with good cut-off score in top Engineering colleges in Punjab. Every state conducts this JET exam for giving admission to eligible students in various Engineering College according to the quota. As like that the state of Punjab will conduct the JET 2015 exam as soon as.
Punjab JET 2015 Model Question Papers & Syllabus Download:
Students who have completed their +2 education with Maths and Science can apply for this Punjab JET 2015 entrance exam to get admit in the one of the engineering colleges in Punjab. Syllabus for this exam is same as the +1,+2 syllabus. The question paper type is the objective type i.e we will choose one suitable answer among the four answers. The five topics for this exam are English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and general awareness & aptitude. The number of questions asked from each topics will be 40. Each correct answer will carry one mark. Happy news for the students is that there will be no negative mark for the wrong answer.
Do you want to get more details and download the syllabus and Sample test answers follow the link http://www.punjabteched.com