Lots of candidates have written the Pune Collector Office Talati exam on 13th September 2015 in various exam centers. The written exam of Talati was organized by the Revenue Department of Maharashtra. The exam was conducted for two hours which was enough for the eligible candidates to answer all the questions. The examination was held in the afternoon session. All the candidates started to browse various sites to find the answer key anywhere to check their answers. However it is better to check your Answers with the official Answer key.
The Pune Collector Office 2015 Talathi exam was conducted as objective type exam. The question papers which were given were in different series. So, the answer key for the Talathi exam will be issued as per the exam paper series. 504 vacancies are in the Talathi post which are spread in different cities like Pune, Satara and Solapur. The solution for Talati exam will be issued as per the parts. The different parts had questions from different sections such as general knowledge, reasoning, mental ability, Marathi and English.
Visit the official link for knowing the date on which the Answer key of Pune, Satara, Solapur and various districts of Maharashtra Collector e-Recruitment 2015 Talathi Exam will be released.
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