MP Excellence School SOE Entrance Exam 2015 Results SOE & SOM Merit Selection List

By | February 22, 2019
Here you can download MP Excellence School SOE Entrance Exam 2015 Results SOE & SOM Merit Selection List held on 15 February 2015 Available Online. Would you like to check the Results for SOE (School of Excellence) and SOM (School of Model) entrance exam 2015? The students can log on to the official portal of MPPEB or Vyapam to check the SOE and SOM entrance exam’s results & Selected Candidates List for the 9th class admission in Excellence School.

The Madhya Pradesh Professional Board Examination(MPPEB) or Vyapam has disclosed a notification for offering admission into Class IX in madhya pradesh schools, lok shikshan santhalaya and vikas stariya model schools. The online application registration was commenced on 4 December 2014 and the application was available online till 3 January 2015. The candidates will be offered admission on the basis of the scores obtained in the entrance test. All the students have prepared well for the exam with the help of the model question paper which has been uploaded by the board.

The SOE and SOM state level entrance exam was conducted on 15 February 2015. The SOE and SOM written exam 2015 question paper comprised of questions from the subjects of General Knowledge(15 marks), Environmental Studies(15 Marks), Hindi(15 Marks), English(15 marks), Science(20 marks) and Mathematics(20 Marks). The exam was conducted in the forenoon session between 10:15AM to 12:15 PM and the medium of the question paper was in both English and Hindi language. The exam was conducted for 100 marks and all the questions were of objective type multiple choice questions. The students will not be given negative marks in case of wrong answers chosen by them. Depends on the performance of students in the written exam (SOE) Entrance test, candidates will be selected and selected candidates list with cut-off score will be published online at official portal.

The students are advised to keep checking the website to check their results & updates on result date which are yet to be published by the MPPEB or Vyapam.