Are you looking for the Karnataka Primary Right to Education (RTE) Admission Application Form 2020-17, you can find the details at their official website The notification for the RTE Karnataka Admission for the academic year 2020-17 are expected to be released by the Department Of Public Instuction, Government of Karnataka, Bengaluru on their official website in the month of November 2015. Last year around the same time, the notification for Karnataka RTE Admission 2019-16 was released.
What is RTE?
Government of Karnataka have received lot of complaints from parents stating that the more number of schools are not following the proper selection process for the admission of LKG and 1st standard. Parents have been asked to pay lot of money which they cant afford to it. So the Government decided to convert the entire process of admission of the students to different schools and submission of applications under the Right To Education (RTE) quota online.
Important points for the parents:
- Parents have to do little bit home work identifying the best school and give top 5 preferences while submitting the RTE Admission Application Form 2020-17 online.
- The school which is coming under RTE have to allot 25% of their pre primary and class I strengths.
- The following link will provide District wise List of Neighbourhood Schools for the Karnataka RTE Admission year 2020-17 as per RTE Act.
- If your children gets admission through RTE, till 10th standard there is no need to pay admission fee and tuition fee. But you are responsible for uniforms, books etc.,
- The school shall commence the admission of remaining 75% seats after the selection of 25% seats. If they are not following this, you should let bring to the notice of Director(Primary Education), Office of the Commissioner for Public Instuction, Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore 560001.
For more information, please visit