The selection process of DSSSB Recruitment 2014 of various vacant positions listed above will be made on the basis of conducting written test and personal interviews. And hend the written exam was successfully conducted for all the above posts on 28 December 2014 at various exam centres as scheduled earlier. During the Exam process, The Mobile phones, watches, calculators and other such electronic devices are strictly restricted inside the exam hall. There have been very numerous candidates who interested and given the written test and they are waiting to check the Answer Key & Results.
Are you one of those who are waiting to check the answer key for TGT, Junior Engineer and Motor vehicle recruitment 2014? The answer keys for all the three recruitment have been successfully released on the same day. The aspirants can access the delhi subordinate service selection board to check the answer key.
The Delhi TGT, Junior Engineer, Motor Vehicle Inspector Recruitment 2014 exam question paper comprised of questions from General awareness(20 questions), general intelligence and reasoning ability(20 questions), arithmetical and numerical ability(20 questions), test of Hindi language and comprehension(20 questions), Test of English language and comprehension(20 questions) and questions based on as per the qualification of the students prescribed for the post(100 questions). The total value of the question paper would be 200 marks and the duration of the exam was for 120 minutes.
Depends on the performance of candidates, the selection list of TGT, Junior Engineer, Motor Vehicle Inspector posts will be published with the cut-off score and they will be called for interview or next round of recruitment process. The job location for TGT, Junior engineer and motor vehicle inspector will be in India and the exact job location for the selected candidates will be intimated with the appointment letter.
To check DSSSB TGT,Junior Engineer, Motor Vehicle Inspector Dec 2014 Answer Key,