DEEPER DCT Jan 2015 Online Mock Exam Registration Procedure

By | January 16, 2019
Here you can find DEEPER DCT Jan 2015 Online Mock Exam Registration Procedure Online. Do you want to register for the DEEPER DCT 2015 Second Online Exam to be conducted on 25th January 2015 and 26th January 2015? The District Competence Test (DCT) is being conducted by DEEPER every year for medical and engineering to replicate Common Entrance Test to be conducted by the state. It is a  MOCK-CET exam to test the students ability to appear for the CET 2015 & JEE-Mains conducted before 5 months. 
DEEPER DCT 2015 Second Online Exam Registration Fee:
Students must pay Registration fees of Rs. 700/- for one group and 900/- for both the groups.
Demand Draft should be payable at Pune or by paying in cash in Deeper’s Bank,
Account No. 60048485266 in Bank of Maharashtra, Narayan Peth Branch, Pune.
DEEPER DCT 2015 Second Online Exam Registration starts from 17th January 2015 11 AM to 20th January 2015 5 PM.

Step by Step Procedure for DEEPER DCT 2015 Second Online Mock Exam to be held on 25 January 2015 & 26 January 2015.:
  1. Students must logon to and Register for the Second Online Exam 2015 to be held on 25th January 2015 and 26th January 2015.
  2. While Registration, you must provide DEEPER UID and Mobile Number.
  3. The DEEPER DCT 2015 Second Mock Online Exam Registration Link will be activated on 17th January 2015.  Once you enter into official portal, click on Mock Online Exam Jan 2015 Registration and Register Your Name.
  4. Once you registered, you can download the Admit Card Online 5 days before the Exam Date. If you couldn’t give online exam on specified date, students can give their test with in 2 days on online exam. Students can download the Question Paper PDF file from the official portal.
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