As part of Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari (Assistant Review Officer) Recruitment Process, Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission will conduct Preliminary Exam & Main Exam.
The preliminary exam pattern & Syllabus comprises of two papers:
General studies(140 questions)
General Hindi(60 questions).
The duration of the General studies exam will be conducted for 2 hours and General Hindi will be held for 1 hour. Both the paper will be of objective type multiple choice questions and each question carries 1 mark.
Main Exam also consists of 3 Papers.
General studies(120 questions)
General Hindi & Drafting(280 questions).
The General hindi and Drafting consists of three parts viz.,
Part-II(General vocabulary)
Hindi Essay.
The duration of General studies paper will be conducted for two hours and General hindi and drafting will be conducted for 6 Hours.
The candidates can log on to the official portal of UPPSC(Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission) to download the 5 years previous year model question paper and also to know the syllabus & exam pattern.