UP Lecturer Exam Oct Previous year model question papers & syllabus

By | September 23, 2019
Here you  can check UP Lecturer Exam Oct 2015 Previous year model question papers & syllabus. Will you attend the UP Lecture Exam 2015 and do you need the syllabus and model as well as previous year question papers for the exam preparation?

Various number of aspirants who have the required qualification for applying the UP Lecturer post have applied for the recruitment. As the exam date is come closer on 4th October 2015, they want to trigger their exam preparation and want to check the current syllabus once again. Because they want to check that they prepare all the topics.

At the same time they need the model as well as previous exam papers for their subject. Because they want to answer it and check their answers are correct or not. There will be two papers in the Lecturer exam one is General Knowledge paper and the other is subject paper which the candidate have studied in their degree.
Questions in the two papers will be in choose the best answer type. Number of questions in first paper will be 30 and that for second paper will be 120. All the 150 mcqs should be answered within two hours.

You can download the detailed syllabus for general knowledge and subject paper will be downloaded from the concern link ie http://uppsc.up.nic.in/Syllabus/GS.pdf.

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