Syllabus for the first class boiler exam and that of second class boiler exam is varied. The date of the examination will be intimated later on the official website. The syllabus for the Boiler Attendant is available in the official link.
Candidates who have met the required Age and Educational Qualification can apply and appear for the Telangana Boiler Attendant Class I & Class II Exam 2015.
Telangana First Class & Second Class Boiler Exam january/February 2015 Syallbus, Model Question Paper Online:
In Order to get qualified & Certified in First Class Boiler Exam 2015, candidates must have basic knowledge on Combustion, Heat, Steam Elementary facts, the working management of steam boilers, super heaters, economizers. Use and purpose of feed pumps, super heaters etc.,
In Second Class Boiler Exam, candidates must satisfy the examiners that he/she has a very good knowledge on working and management of Steam Boiler and Economizer.
Candidates can find the detailed syllabus and model question paper at official portal and click the direct link below.
Log on to and find the Notification on “Boiler Attendant Examination Jan/Feb 2015”. There can find the detailed syllabus of Boiler Attendant Exam 2015 for First class & Second Class Certification.
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