Tamilnadu TRB PG Assistant Exam 2015 Hall Ticket trb.tn.nic.in January 2015 Admit Card

By | December 19, 2018
Here you can download Tamilnadu TRB PG Assistant Exam 2015 Hall Ticket trb.tn.nic.in 10th January 2015 Admit Card Available online . Do you hear about the date of issuance of the Hall Ticket for Tamilnadu TRB PG Assistant Exam 2015? Are you looking to know how and where to download the TN TRB PG Assistant Exam 2015 Admit Card Online? Most number of eligible candidates have applied and are waiting for the examination with lot of preparation. Meanwhile they need to download the Hall Ticket for the exam which is essential now-a-days to enter into the examination hall & attend the written test. So, they often check the authorized official web portal  of Tamilnad Teachers Recruitment Board to find out the availability of the Hall Ticket. Tamilnadu TRB PG Assistant exam will be conducted on 10th January 2015 by the Teachers Recruitment Board. Candidates will know the exam centre only by the Hall Ticket. For knowing that the exam centre is far or nearer and find the ways to how can they reach the centre, all these are decided with the help of the Hall Ticket.

Replenishing 1807 PG Assistant posts in various places in Tamilnadu, Teacher Recruitment Board conducts the TRB PG Assistant exam this year in 2018-15. TRB PG Assistant exam is for recruiting PG Assistants in various 110 subjects in all over Tamilnadu. Syllabus for general and syllabus for individual subject, Exam pattern and previous papers are available for candidates’ convenience on the official website. The exam will have 150 multiple choice questions of one mark. Number of questions will be asked from Main subject, Education Methodology and general knowledge are 110, 30 and 10 respectively. Hall Tickets are available from 15th December 2014 onwards, so candidates are advised here download your hall ticket and know the exam centre details in advance to avoid the last minute tension.

Follow the steps below to download the Hall Ticket for TRB PG Assistant 2014 exam,
1. Log on to http://www.trb.tn.nic.in
2. There on the home page you see lot of notification, click the “Direct Recruitment of Post Graduate Assistants for the year 2013-2014 and 2018-2015.
3. In Login for Admit Card, provide Application Number, DOB, Security Key and then click login, you can now see your hall ticket and take print out of it for further purposes.

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