SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam 2015 Expected Cut-off Score Results Final Selection List

By | April 22, 2019
Here you can check SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam 2015 Expected Cut-off Score Results Final Selection List. Are you one of the selected candidates and have done the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam 2015? Do you want to download the answer Key and know the Cut-off Score for the same via online? All the selected candidates from the preliminary examination have done their main exam on 11th April and 12th April 2015 in different exam venues. The Answer Key for each paper had been published in the portal and Candidates are eager to check their result and calculate their expected cut-off score. Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level Tier 2 exam had three papers. Each paper had questions in different subject such as quantitative ability, English language with comprehension and statistics. All the questions were in objective type. The number of questions in each paper were 100 for first and third paper and that of the second paper is 200.

The expected cut-off marks as per last year status is given here for your reference. The cut off marks will be differed as per the post. The various post to be filled are Statistical Investigator, Compiler and Tax Assistant. Paper III will be written by the candidates who have applied for the Statistical Investigator post and Compiler post. The cut off marks for these candidates will be arrived by the marks from all the three papers. The cut off marks also be varried with the category of the candidates. Minimum cut off marks for SC for various posts 235 and maximum is 290. The OBC candidates must get more than 300 marks for arriving the cut off marks.

To check your Results of SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam & Selected Candidates List cut-off score, candidates must visit the official portal