Huge number of aspirants have participated in the Junior Accountant/ TRA exam2015 which was conducted by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission. The exam was held on 2nd August 2015 as per the schedule in many exam centers. The written exam was conducted for selecting the eligible and qualified candidates to the next level selection process. As per their qualification and wish some candidates wrote the Junior Accountant post exam and some of the candidates wrote for getting the post Teshil Revenue Accountant. Now they want to check their answers with the help of Answer Key which will be available soon in the official link.
Total number of vacancies is 3653 in both the post id Junior Assistant and Teshil Revenue Accountant. As this is the government job there will be tough competition with the eligible candidates to get one of the post. So, all the candidates want to check the answers to know their eligibility to next level recruitment process. They can calculate their scores after checking how many answers of them are correct.
So Candidates who had written RPSC RPSC Junior Accountant/TRA Recruitment 2015 Exam on 2nd August 2015 can check & download the Answer Key in PDF Format for all set of question papers at official portal
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