Madhya Pradesh Vyavsayik pariksha Mandal is conducting the recruitment of Posts Name Combined Para-Medical Cadre and Asst. Veterinary Medical Area Officer Recruitment Test for total no of vacancies : 1877
Trade Wise Vacancy and Posts name
Lab Technician 170
ECG Technician 017
EEG Technician 001
Radiographer 135
OT assistant 003
Lab Assistant 056
Occupational Therapist 006
lab Attendant 170
Anesthesia Technician 009
Endoscope surgeon 002
plaster technical 002
Pharmacist 689
Dresser Grade 2 – 020
Radio Therapy Technician 004
Masseur 001
Dark Room Assistant 006,
MRI/CT Scan Technician 001,
Lab Keeper 002,
Ortho Technician 004,
T.B. and Chest Health Visitor 002,
Prosthetic Technician 002,
O.T. Technician 002,
Cyto Technician 001
Library Attendant 002
Technician Ultrasound 001
Radiation Technician 002
Dental mechanic 001,
Technician 002
Technician Surgery 003
Dental Technician 002
Technician ENT 001
Technician Medicine 002
Eye Assistant 060
Assistant Animal Doctor Field Officer 467
Midwife 028
Health Visitor 001
Lots of interested candidates decided to apply for the MPPEB Veterinary Recruitment post through online application form which was available from 28th March 2015 onwards in the official link. The online application form will be available for applying up to 26th April 2015. Madhya Pradesh Vyavsayik Pariksha Mandal, Bhopal scheduled the exam in the month of May. The exact date of the MP Vyapam Paramedical and Veterinary exam will be on 31st May 2015. The exam paper of Medical Area Officer will have 100 questions of one mark. Thus the total marks of the exam paper will be 100.
The questions will be asked are related with general knowledge, general Maths, Hindi, English, Science and general intelligence. There will be no negative mark for wrong answer. The written examination will be held in the following exam centers Bhopal, Rewa, Gwalior, Indore, Jabalpur, Guna, Ujjain, Hoshangabad, Shahdol and Sagar. The time duration for the exam will be two hours. There are 1877 vacancies in various posts which will be filled by the qualified candidates selected by the MP Vyapm.
For more detailed syllabus and exam pattern as per the post visit or