MP Gramin Krishi Adhikari Model Question papers with Sample Answers & syllabus Structure

By | July 12, 2019
Here you can check & download MP Gramin Krishi Adhikari Model Question papers with Sample Answers & syllabus Structure. Do you want to start the exam preparation for MP Gramin Krishi Adhikari and for that do you need the model question papers with sample answers and syllabus with structure to be conducted on 6th September 2015?So many candidates who have the qualification as per the notification have applied already from 25th June 2015 onwards via online application. However some of the candidates will apply for the same in the coming days because the last date for submitting will be on 24th July 2015. Applicants need the syllabus for starting their preparation as per. Other candidates who will apply for the recruitment need to know the difficulty level of the exam paper. Madhya Pradesh Vyavsayik Pariksha Mandal Vyapam is scheduled the written exam for the post Gramin Krishi Adhikari on 6th September 2015.

Selection of the qualified candidates will be done through written exam which will have 200 multiple choice questions. Each correct answer will get one mark however there will be no negative marks for the wrong answers.

The different topics for the Gramin Krishi Adhikari exam 2015 are general knowledge, general Hindi, general English, Reasoning and computer Science. Total number of vacancies in Gramin Krishi Adhikari and other posts is 1519. Out of 1519 vacant positions, the number of vacant positions in Gramin Krishi Adhikari is 448. The name of the other posts are Gramin Udyan Adhikari, Gramin Vikas Adhikari, Land Conservator and Surveyor officer, Prachetra Vistar Adhikari and Mechanical Assistant.

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