One lakh six thousand and five hundred students from 8th, 9th and 10th standard were attended the Maharashtra Talent Search Examination at various 693 centers not only in Maharashtra and in Goa & Karnataka. It is the right time to see the Merit Selection List. Only the selected 10th class students will go for the Interview. There were two papers and marks allotted for each paper was 100. Students who are in rural area must get more than 118 marks and the students who are in urban area must get more than 135 marks. The candidates will have got any one of the different 7 prizes. The seven different prizes are State Level Prize, District Level Prize, Special Prizes, Taluka Prizes, Consolation Prizes, Merit Prizes and Other Medium Prizes. All the students who got more than 70 marks will get a Certificate of Merit.
Interview will be carried for the Xth standard selected students for 50 marks. If you want to check that you are selected for the Interview, first you log on to, then Select the option Click here to check Selection for Interview. Select district and school name one by one. After that click the display option. Now, you can know that you are selected or not. However the detailed marks of all students will be communicated through the concern schools in which they are studying. You can get your marks at the end of the June month.
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