The candidates can access the official website to download the model question papers of JEXPO exam which will be conducted on 12 April 2015 and the JEXPO exam comprises of question from Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. There are totally 200 MCQ’s where 100 questions from Mathematics, 50 questions from 50 questions and 50 questions from chemistry.
The JEXPO 2015 Mathematics syllabus comprises of Arithmetic, Algebra, Goemetry, Mensuration and Trignometry.
The JEXPO 2015 Physics syllabus comprises of System of mesaurements and mesauring devices, Matter & energy, Change of state, Rest and motion, displacement; speed; Velocity and Accelaration, Newton’s laws of motion, Work;Power;Energy, Light, Sound, Strcture of atom, Properties of gases-pressure and temperature, avogrado’s law, Simple weight-weight calculation using chemical equation, Heat, Light:Lens and Dispersion, Current electricity and dispersion, Current electricity and electromagnetism, modern physic.
Whereas the JEXPO 2015 Chemistry syllabus will be Identification of matter: Physical and chemical properties, Physical and chemical change, separation of mixtures, solution, chemical reaction and chemical equation, oxygen, oxides;acids;base and salts, water;nitroger;ammonia;carbon, fuel, periofic table, chemical bonding, electronic theory of oxidation and reduction, HCL;nitric acid and sulphuric acid, Some important substances-nature and uses, some metals:aluminium;magnesium;zink;iron and copper, organics chemistry: what is organic chemistry;alkane;alkene;mornomer and polymer.
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