Gujarat Himatnagar Zilla Panchayat 2015 Syllabus & Sample Question Paper Structure

By | March 27, 2019
Here you can download and find Gujarat Himatnagar Zilla Panchayat 2015 Syllabus & Sample Question Paper Structure. Have you applied for the Gujarat Himatnagar Zilla Panchayat exam 2015 and now are you looking for the Syllabus & Sample Question Paper with Structure? Downloading Previous year sample question papers, syllabus and exam pattern will be helpful for the candidates
to prepare well and crack the recruitment test of Gujarat Himatnagar Zilla Panchayat 2015.

Filling 162 vacant positions in different posts in Himatnagar Zilla Panchayat, the state government published the notification and received lots of applications. The various posts in which the vacancies to be filled by the eligible and qualified candidates are Gramsabha Mobilizer, Coordinator and District Project Manager. As the online application submission process is finished, next the written exam will be scheduled and conducted as soon as. 

List of Vacancies:

1.District Project Manager  :   01
2.Computer Operator          :  01
3.Pesa Jilla Co-Ordinator    :  01
4.Pesa Taluka Co-Ordinator:  04
5.Gramsabha Mobilizer      : 155
Numerous candidates have applied for the Gujarat Himatnagar Zilla Panchatat recruitment for various post according to their eligibility and educational qualification. The online submission was started on 13th March 2015 and concluded 19th March 2015. The selection may be made only through the written exam. So, all the applicants want to prepare well for cracking the exam and get the chance to have the post according to them. So, they all check the availability of the Syllabus for their Gujarat Himatnagar Zilla Panchayat exam.

You can see the Syllabus according to your exam through the official link.