Vast number of aspirants have done their exam successfully on 15th March 2015 in various exam places in Delhi. Filling the lots of vacancies in the Junior Engineer posts, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation started the recruitment process with the written exam. As it is the government job, the competition for getting a post is very difficult because of huge number of candidates attended the exam. The exam was conducted for selecting skillful and knowledgeable Junior Engineers for working in various department according to their educational qualification.
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited Recruitment 2015 written test had 2 Papers.
The Paper-I had multiple choice questions from 120 questions from various subjects such as English (30 Marks), General awareness (30 Marks), Quantitative aptitude (30 Marks) and Logical ability (30 Marks). All questions are need to be answered in 150 minutes
Paper-II had Subjective Type Questions Paragraph writing, Comprehension and Essay and Questions on science and Technology matter. The time duration will be 150 minutes and no negative marks will be given for the wrong answers.
As like other competitive exam, the Solution for the exam paper will be available after one or two weeks after the exam.
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