Here you can download Assam CEE 2015 Sample & Important Questions of Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology Papers. Do you have the aim in doing Engineering/ Medical stream and are you living in Assam? Every year Dibrugarh University conducts the Common Entrance Exam for giving admission for the eligible students in to BE/MBBS/BTech/BDS courses in various Engineering & Medical Colleges in Assam. The exam will be conducted only in nine centers all over Assam. Lots of students who have the aim in studying Engineering/Medical stream and looking to get Admission in the year 2019-16 want to download the Assam CEE Sample & Important Questions of Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology Papers from the concern web link.Students who are loking to get Admission only in the Medical courses will write only the following subjects such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Whereas students who have the aim only in Engineering will write only the following subjects such as Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Students who want to get into any one of the course will write all the four subjects.
The Assam CEE 2015 exam paper will be contained 100 choose the best answers questions (among 4 answers). Each question will carry one mark for the right answer. However there will be no negative mark for incorrect answer. The syllabus is followed the NCERT syllabus of the +1 and +2. With the help of important questions and model questions, students can score more than expected in the upcoming Assam CEE 2015. Students who want to score fully are advised here that study all the subjects thoroughly without omitting any topics. And do more practice for the problems in the following subjects Maths, Physics and Chemistry. All these the important questions and the model question papers are very useful to all the students.
For getting more details about the syllabus, exam pattern and question papers browse the authorized link