Aakash Young Talent Search Exam 2014 has been held on 30th November 2014 for the students who are studying in class 7th, 8th & 9th students to find the talented students to get admission into free coaching for Engineering/Medical. Selected candidates will be given with free scholarship and free coaching through Aakash Medical IIT JEE Foundation. Based on the cut-off marks scored in AYTSE 2014, 200 students will be selected from each classes 7th, 8th, 9th standard.
Aakash YTSE Nov 2014 had total of 80 questions from Physics (10), Chemistry (10) & Biology (10), Mathematics(30), Mental Ability(20) for total 320 marks. Duration allocated for AYTSE 2014 was 2 Hours. There will be no negative marking for wrong answer. The Aakash Young Talent Search Exam Nov 2014 held at 41 Exam Centers on 30th November 2014 and Result/Merit Selected Candidates List will be published on 15th December 2014.
Candidates who have written must logon to http://www.aytse.com/ or http://www.aakash.ac.in/ to check Aakash Young Talent Search Exam Result 2014. Rank wise Selection List of Students who got qualified to get scholarship will be published with cut-off score.
To Check Aakash Young Talent Search Exam Result 2014 visit,
http://www.aytse.com/ or http://www.aakash.ac.in/