RMO 2014 conducted on 7th December 2014 across country at below listed states.
1. Coastal A.P. & Rayalaseema
2. Telengana
4. Jharkhand
5. Delhi
7. Karnataka
8. Kerala
9. Maharashtra & Goa
10. Mumbai
11. Madhya Pradesh
12. North East
13. Orissa
14. North West
15. Rajasthan
16. Tamil Nadu
17. Uttar Pradesh
18. Eastern U.P.
19. Uttaranchal
20. West Bengal
Do you want to know how to check the RMO 7th December 2014 Result?
When you log on to Regional official RMO portal,
- West Bengal: http://www.isical.ac.in/~rmo/
- Delhi: http://rmodelhi.in/,
- Telangana: http://www.math-olympiad-telangana.in
- Bangalore: http://www.isibang.ac.in/~statmath/olym.html
you can see the Result RMO 2014 List of Selected candidates and click on it. For getting your result enter your Registration number and other required details and then, submit. And then you can get the result of yours. Check in the merit list whether your name is there or not to appear for the next level of Olympiad IMO Exam.
To know more information on RMO 2014 Result and Date of Result Declaration visit official portals.