Lots of candidates who have the relevant qualification for the post Nurse applied for the General Nursing Training Test and Pre-Nursing Selection Test through online submission from 7th April 2015 to 6th May 2015. They have successfully written the GNTST and PNST 2015 as per the scheduled date which was on 14th June 2015. It is expected that the Result of the GNTST and PNST will be declared soon in the website of Madhya Pradesh Professional Board. After seeing the Result you should wait for some days to see the Merit list of GNTST and PNST. MP Vyapam conducts so many recruitment to fill the vacancies in the government concerns on behalf of the Madhya Pradesh State government.
One who will get the highest scores in GNST or PNST 2015 can get the highest rank. Cut off marks for different category candidates will be varied according to the highest cut off marks in the respected category. Merit List of the selected candidates will be prepared as per the cut off marks of the candidates. Often browse the official link to know the exact date of Result declaration.
You must logon to vyapam.nic.in and find the “MP GNTST & PNST 2015 Results” with selected candidates list online.
Important Links:
http:// vyapam.nic.in/