A large number of candidates have participated in this written exam who are now waiting to check the right answers. The written exam was conducted successfully on 12 February 2015 and the RPSC VO Recruitment exam paper comprised of 100 questions from the subjects of General knowledge and domain knowledge of the candidates. Each question carries 1 mark and negative marks will be applicable for each and every wrong answers. All the questions were of objective type multiple choice questions. To download the answer keys for Veterinary officer candidates need to log on to the official website of RPSC. The duration of the exam was held for 2 hours.
How to check the answer keys for RPSC VO recruitment 2015?
1. Access the official website of RPSC http://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/
2. Go to news section in the home page.
3. Find out the answer keys for VO recruitment 2015
4. On successful finding, select the file to download the file
5. Open the file and start checking your answers.
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