JKSSB Revenue Patwari Exam Model question Papers with Syllabus PDF Download

By | September 15, 2019
Here you can download JKSSB Revenue Patwari Exam Model question Papers with Syllabus PDF Download. Do you want to download the Pdf format Syllabus and Model Question Papers for the JKSSB Patwari exam 2015?.

So many eligible candidates in Jammu and Kashmir have applied for the post JKSSB Revenue Patwari via the online application. The online application form was available from 5th September 2015 to 18th September 2015. All the applicants want to download the PDF format syllabus and model question papers for their exam preparation. Because the first selection process which will be conducted soon is the written exam. One who will write the exam well and get highest score can go for the next level selection process which is Interview. For getting highest scores in the written exam, one should prepare well with the help of the current syllabus and the model papers.

One who make self tests with so many model papers can achieve one of the Patwari post. Total number of vacancies in the Jammu and Kashmir Patwari post is 2647. Service Selection Board of Jammu and Kashmir which is the government  organization for filling various government vacancies in various government departments will recruit the suitable candidates.

The exam paper for Jammu & Kashmir Patwari post Recruitment 2015 will have questions in multiple choice type. Questions will be taken from various titles such as Arithmetic, reasoning ability, general intelligence, technical ability and general awareness.

To get more details and detailed syllabus with J&K Patwari Recruitment 2015 Written Exam with Sample Question Papers online visit,